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Prebuilt EZTower Z4 System

Eyetech Group Ltd

    Amiga Product Notes      

Preconfigured A1200 EZTower-Z4 systems


We've put together some pre-configured EZTower systems to suit different budgets and functional requirements - see the table below for configuration options. Alternatively if you want a brand new tower system at a rock-bottom price - and are happy to do the assembly work yourself - we've also designed a bundle comprising a full A1200 FDD Magic Pack, an unconverted EZ-Tower Z4 with 230W PSU, custom back & side panels, PSU/LED adapters and floppy drive cable, PC keyboard and keyboard adapter and full instructions for just �189.95!

Configuration Fully Assembled A1200 m/b Timing Fix Fixed Alice & CC_RESET A1200 M/P s/w Mouse K/b i/f & k/b HD size CDROM speed
DIY FDD Starter - Yes - - Yes Yes PC - -
Starter FDD Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PC - -
Productivity-Z4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PC 4.3GB 40x
Z4 Graphics Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes PC - -
Professional-Z4 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes A4000 17.2GB 48x

Configuration EZCD buf i/f Accel. & Mem Z4 Busboard CV64/3D gfx INFF Mk.2 SD/FF AMON switcher O/S rev. Audio Mixer PortJnr Price inc. VAT
DIY FDD Starter - - - - - - 3.1 - - �189.95
Starter FDD - - - - - - 3.1 - - �189.95
Productivity-Z4 Yes '030/40+8 - - - - 3.1 - - �399.95
Z4 Graphics Yes - Yes Yes Yes Yes 3.1 Yes - �589.95
Professional-Z4 Yes '040/33+32 Yes Yes Yes Yes 3.5 Yes Yes �899.95

Time of purchase options:
A4000 keyboard / adapter +�20
Upgrade to EZKey-XS +�20
Video slot enabler (Picasso IV) +�25
PCMCIA right angle adapter +�25



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